Command Access
Command Access VD2 | Replacement Relay Board for Von Duprin PS873 and PS914
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Command Access VD2 | Replacement Relay Board for Von Duprin PS873 and PS914
• VD2-873 Retrofit board for discontinued VD873 Relay Board (871-2 CARD)
• VD2-914 Retrofit board for discontinued VD914 Relay Board (2RS CARD)
• Mounts up to existing screw holes - no need to purchase a whole new power supply
• Euro connector for easy wiring vs screw terminals
• Solid-state design
• (2) I/Os w/ priority sensing
• 3-Year Warranty
When Von Duprin discontinued the PS873 power supply and the add-on boards associated with that power supply. Command Access developed a replacement board manufactured with similar characteristics to PS871-2 board. The new VD2-872 board mounts to the PS873 in the same fashion as the factory original PS871-2 board.
After the success of the VD2-873, Command Access developed the VD2-914 replacement relay board that fits and functions just the same as the original factory 2RS board for the Von Duprin PS914, with the added addition of a .5A power tap.