Falcon 1490 | Grade 1 Concealed Vertical Rod Touchbar Device For Metal Doors
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Falcon 1490 | Grade 1 Concealed Vertical Rod Touchbar Device For Metal Doors
Specify RHR or LHR-supplied RHR if not specified.
PB48 top.
RL - Rod bottom latch (standard), Hex bottom latch (standard for EL), PL - Pullman bottom latch (optional), ES - electric strike top latch (optional). Device needs to be less bottom rod (LBR).
Dogging feature:
Quarter turn hex dogging standard. No threaded parts to wear out.
36", 42", and 48".
1 3 ⁄4" thick metal doors-specify if other than 1 3 ⁄4". (Please contact us for other)
2 3 ⁄4" maximum, 2" when dogged. Pushbar height is 3"
1 3⁄4" minimum.
Electric functions:
EL - electric latch retraction, include "S". Requires PS914-2RS minimum power supply. S- latch bolt monitor switch (SPDT).Conversion kits available. Devices are handed.
All mounting screws are concealed. Uses all machine screws for device and latch.
End caps:
Durable zinc die cast, powder coated.
Certified ANSI A156.3 2001 Grade 1 standards.
Shim Kits:
1⁄2" riser is available.
Vertical rods:
1' standard, extension rods available up to 7' 10".
- Option:Choose Handing (What Is It? Click Link Here To See Our Door Handing Guide):
- https://blog.locksandsafes.com/2020/07/28/door-hardware-handing-guide/