Yale NTM623 | Grade 1 NexTouch Mortise Lock with Touchscreen Keypad and Cylinder Override
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Yale NTM623 | Grade 1 NexTouch Mortise Lock with Touchscreen Keypad and Cylinder Override
No Deadbolt With Cylinder Override
• For doors that require mechanical key override.
• Latchbolt retracted by lever either side, except when outside lever is locked.
• When outside lever is locked, latchbolt is operated by key outside.
• Deadlocking latchbolt.
The nexTouch® Series lever design meets accessibility guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the requirements of the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards and ICC/ANSI A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities, all requiring ease of accessibility.
nexTouch® mortise certified ANSI/BHMA A156.13, Series 1000 Grade 1.
- Option:Choose Keyway (What is this? Click link here for our guide on Keyways):
- https://blog.locksandsafes.com/2021/03/17/lock-cylinder-and-keyway-guide/