ABH 3700 Series Coordinator
Don't see the quantity, finish, or function you are looking for? We can mix, match and "BUILD" the item option set you are looking for - Just call us at 860-537-1328 and our sales staff will assist !
ABH 3700 Series Coordinator
- For use on pair of doors when one door must close before the other.
- Active door lever holds the active door open until inactive door closes enough to trip release mechanism. Then active door closes.
- Safety override allows active door to close first when extreme force applied.
- Supplied with a filler bar to provide a virtually seamless look accross the entire soffit
- Mounting brackets available when using stop mounted hardware (3751 and 3752)
- Standard finish = US28 Satin Aluminum (ready to paint) - Contact factory for custom finish
- UL Listed for use with a pair of swinging fire doors incorporating an astragal for up to and including 3 hours
- Average weight per unit = 5 lbs
Choose the Right Coordinator Model
See chart above on right to determine which model you need.
You may also use the following to guide you in selecting the correct model for your applications
Coordinator size = Active door size + 6” minimum
Filler Bar Size = Stop Width - Coordinator Size
(select the next standard filler bar size up - 20”, 32” or 44”)