ABH Jamb Bracket Fillers and/or Shims
Don't see the quantity, finish, or function you are looking for? We can mix, match and "BUILD" the item option set you are looking for - Just call us at 860-537-1328 and our sales staff will assist !
ABH Jamb Bracket Fillers and/or Shims
Can be used as a shim to drop down an overhead holder for possible installation conflicts or as jamb bracket filler plate to fill in old concealed preps in frame heads.
Specify finish when ordering
- Models:
- 4000JF - 4000, 4400 & 3300A Series ( 3/16" thick)
- 9000JF - 1000, 1000A, 8000, 9000 & 9000A Series (1/4” thick)