International Door Closers
International Door Closer 1860P Automatic Flushbolt - Pair For Metal Doors
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International Door Closer 1860P Automatic Flushbolt - Pair For Metal Doors
International 1860P Specifications | IDC 1860P Specifications
• Fits ANSI prep for Metal doors
• 3/4” throw with 2” vertical adjustment. Adjustment can be made without removing door from frame
• UL listed 3 hrs on metal door up to 4’ wide and 8’ high
• If strike and bolt are misaligned, override prevents damage to door, frame or flush bolt
• Dust proof strikes - 1870 for and/or threshold, 1872 for threshold only
- Option:Choose Finish (Click here to see our Detailed Door Hardware Finish Guide):
- https://blog.locksandsafes.com/2020/07/28/lock-and-door-hardware-finishes/