Alarm Lock
Alarm Lock Trilogy ETPL Series - Prox Reader Exit Trim, With Straight Lever, Satin Chrome Finish
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Alarm Lock Trilogy ETPL Series - Exit Trim Proximity Only Lock with Straight Lever
Buy the Alarm Lock ETPL Exit Trim Lock, a digital proximity door lock, where up to 2000 users can gain access with an accepted prox credential, 500 lock/unlock events can be scheduled and 40,000 audit logs of entry activity are logged, which can then be retrieved and printed for record keeping purposes. All the user access information, event schedule information and audit logs are stored in a non-volatile memory inside the lock, which keeps the data safe in the event of power outage.
The ETPL exit trim lock work with panic exit devices of major manufacturers. The lock also accept most HID proximity cards and keyfobs.
The Alarm Lock ETPL proximity door lock is sold under the brand name Trilogy, whose products are field proven, convenient to use, easily programmable and flexible to install.
Choose from a standard Satin Chrome finish. Other finishes such as polished chrome, duronodic and antique brass are available upon request.
- Accepts most HID Proximity cards and keyfobs
- Users are individually programmed to use card only
- Real Time Clock for up to 40,000 Event Time/ Date-Stamped Audit Trail
- Up to 500 Lock/Unlock Schedules (with Time Zone Support)
- Prox Card data can be added to software by uploading from lock, by using AL-PRE or entering directly from computer using DL- Windows software.
- Field-proven clutch Mechanism ensures long life and durability
- Fingertip and/or Windows Programmable
- Non-Handed; Fully Field Reversible
- Adaptable to most major manufacturers of standard RIM and IC RIM Cylinders (Separately ordered Cylinder Adapter Kit)
- Battery operated; uses 5 AA batteries
- Battery pack mounts to interior door. Located over or under panic bar (position dependent upon exit device manufacturer)
Clutch mechanism permits turning lever without retracting latch and reduces stress on the spindle. Entering access code, presenting prox card or key bypass, or remote bypass will allow lever to retract latch. Inside panic bar always provides instant egress. (Temperature Range: +150°F to -20°F.)
Door Thickness: 1 3/4” standard. Other thickness please see ordering information and/or consult factory.
Audit Trail: Locks’ entry activity log can be polled to the Data Transfer Module (AL-DTMII), any PC using Alarm Lock’s DL-WINDOWS Software (Vsn.2.94 or higher), and/or can be on-site printed using the hand-held infrared printer (AL-IR1).
Interchangeable Core Models: Accepts 6 & 7 Pin Cylinders from: Best, Arrow, KSP, Medeco, Keymark & KabaPeaks. Also available IC Core models for Yale, Medeco, Sargent, Corbin/Russwin CL and Schlage. Alarm lock tailpiece is supplied; IC Core is not included.
Cylinder: Requires separately available Cylinder Adapter Kit, see below.
Handing: Non-handed, field reversible
Compliances: Use of the Alarm Lock TrilogyExit does not alter or invalidate the UL Safety or Fire Ratings of the Panic Exit Device you are using (when properly installed per Alarm Lock’s instruction sheet).
Finishes: US3 polished brass, US26D satin chrome, US10B Duronodic.
Click here to see our Definitive List of Door Hardware Finishes
Power: 5 AA alkaline batteries, (supplied) installed in Battery Pack (see below). Audible low battery alert, visual and audible entry indicators
The Trilogy Exit will work with the following Panic Bars
• Von Duprin 99 Series
• Corbin ED5000 Series
• Yale 7100 Series
• Dorma 9300 Series
• Arrow 3800 Series
• Sargent 8800 Series
Select a Cylinder Adapter Kit when ordering:
- Arrow 6 & 7 Pin IC Kit = ETARIC KIT
- Arrow Rim Kit = ETAR KIT
- Assa Rim Kit = ETAS KIT
- Alarm Lock Rim Kit = ETAL KIT
- Best 6 & 7 Pin IC Kit = ETBIC KIT
- Corbin IC Kit = ETCIC KIT
- Corbin Rim Kit = ETC KIT
- Medeco 6 & 7 Pin IC Kit = ETMIC KIT
- Medeco Rim Kit = ETM KIT
- Sargent IC Kit = ETRIC KIT
- Sargent Rim Kit = ETR KIT
- Schlage IC Kit = ETSIS KIT
- Schlage Rim Kit = ETS KIT
- Yale 6 & 7 Pin IC Kit = ETYIC KIT
- Yale Rim Kit = ETY KIT